Residential Pest Control

Pest Control Services: Keeping Neighborhoods and Homes Clean and Safe

April is National Pest Management Month, a significant celebration, especially during these unprecedented events. Times like these bring into the spotlight the importance of pest control services and their role in public health.

Pest control services are valuable and essential because they ensure that harmful insects, rodents, and the germs that they bring with them are kept out of homes, people’s food, clothing, and other belongings. Pest control prevents contagious diseases, often delivered by insects, from spreading. Pests have known to carry many viruses and spread them to people. Typhoid spread viruses to hundreds of thousands of people each year. Today, Covid-19 is on the rise all over the world and has spread to hundreds of thousands of people.

Property Care and Maintenance

Pest control services ensure that properties maintain the integrity of their structure and are protected from damage caused by pest likes termites. The structural integrity of homes and properties remain an essential result of pest control because weak foundations can cause buildings to collapse and pose a substantial risk to life.

Security of Agriculture and Produce

If you are a farmer or a business owner, you are probably aware of the devastation that a locust swarm can do to crops that have taken months to grow. These losses could total up to millions of dollars in damages and could spell a shortage of food that could affect large areas. In times like these, when food shortages can quickly become a reality, keeping crops safe from infestation is crucial in maintaining societies fed. Pest control companies make sure that these crops are safe and ready for harvest and consumption.

Pest Control and Health Education

Pest control is more than a service that removes deadly bugs and pests from homes and neighborhoods. Pest control experts can educate the general public on the effects of the uncontrolled spread of animals, insects, and parasites. They can tell the public about what pests bring what diseases. This is important information that homeowners should know to be proactive about keeping their homes pest-free.

Pest control companies like family-owned Hydrex know the importance of educating their customers every time they come around for a visit. Keeping pests outside of the home protects families from pest-borne diseases, protects the structural integrities of households, and protects food and crops from pest-borne spoilage.

Hydrex, which has been serving the community since 1969, is committed to providing year-round pest control services for homes and properties with services performed by licensed and trained technicians. These pest professionals assist in the community in making sure that neighborhoods are kept safe from pests that could potentially bring deadly diseases to peoples’ doorsteps. As the world reels from the effects of the 2019 coronavirus, pest control services become even more crucial. April is National Pest Management Month, so there is no better time to acknowledge how essential these services are. 

Keep your home safe and pest-free. Give us a call today or visit